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Closing Criminal Files and Hearings

Sharon Nahari - Closing Criminal Files and Hearings

It is obvious that the existence of a criminal file and an indictment of any kind, even more so when it is a criminal file opened for a first time offense, can hinder their progress in the professional path they have chosen for themselves. Beyond the direct professional significance of not being accepted to certain places of work, which require presentation of a certification of a clear criminal record, a criminal record and indictment can cast a shadow on one’s personal image in a substantial manner.

Exactly for this reason, line 60a of the criminal procedure law obliges the prosecution to send a letter to everyone they expect to submit indictments against and inform them of such in advance. The obligation to inform on behalf of the prosecutor is a result of the right to a hearing, and in other words, the right of every person to appeal to the prosecutor within 30 days from the date of receiving the notice and attempt to dissuade them from this intention before the indictment, which will later become a substantial obstacle, is submitted.

Experience teaches us that in order to increase the chance of having the request accepted (since, after all ,you only get one chance) it is best for the request to be submitted solely by the accused person’s representative – an experienced and reputable criminal attorney who has dealt with many similar cases. The rationale behind this recommendation is based on experience amassed by an attorney and their vast experience with precedents, which they can employ in favor of the accused person in a letter that formulated by them.

Moreover, the value of personal acquaintance between an attorney submitting the request and the senior prosecutors receiving it cannot be diminished. And therefore, the more experienced the attorney you choose – the greater the chances that you can put the interrogation behind you and return to your normal life as soon as possible without any further disruption.

The Sharon Nahari Law Office specializes in representing accused persons and suspects in proceedings with the aim of closing criminal files and hearings before submission of an indictment. If you have received a notice to your home according to line 60a of the criminal procedure law, we recommend that you contact our firm without delay and immediately come for a meeting. After the meeting we will contact the prosecutor in order to receive the collection of evidence in the file and will begin to immediately work on it to bring an end to the entire proceeding without causing any serious legal damage to you.